Welcome to ENL!

In the English as a New Language (ENL) Program, students will receive English instruction in all four language-acquisition modalities: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. The ENL program is delivered via a 100% English-immersion model. Students will have opportunities to apply their background knowledge to understanding & using new vocabulary, act out scenarios via TPR (Total Physical Response) until they are confident enough to contribute to the discussion using oral language, practice new phrasing and word order through chanting and singing, engage in peer-to-peer collaborations, role play, expand on the writing craft, gain familiarity with letter-sound correspondences, as well as much much more.
Each Spring all Multilingual Learners (MLLs) will sit for an English-proficiency measurement exam called the NYSESLAT (New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test). This exam will measure the English acquisition progress of each student. Scores and their implications will be shared with parents the following school year, as well as any program changes that might result from the child's progress.
In ENL with Ms. Lindsay, children will gain English-language knowledge and abilities through play, discourse, academic writing, and reading for knowledge as well as enjoyment. It is the goal in our program to ensure each child is comfortable and confident when using English in informal discussions as well as their formal academic work.