Special Education Services
At P.S. 112, we offer multiple services that support students with disabilities. Classroom instruction is always differentiated and modified to meet the needs of all students. Our students with Individualized Educational Programs often receive related services, which go along with their disability.
Services include:
- Speech and language therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Physical therapy
- Counseling services
- Adapted physical education
- Hearing services
- Special education support services
In addition we have both monolingual and bilingual social workers and psychologists along with an IEP coordinator, to offer families the backing they request to support their children outside the school. Our team works hard to evaluate students at risk of needing support in order to ensure all students receive the intervention necessary to succeed.
School‐Based Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapists employed by the NYC DOE may provide services in several educationally relevant areas in which they can help promote student success, including, but not limited to:
- Classroom Responsibilities – activities necessary for participation in various classroom activities, including adapting to routines, organizing materials, hand skills necessary for manipulating classroom tools and producing written work
- Functional Sensorimotor Skills/Environmental Interactions – such as staying on task while filtering distractions, interacting cooperatively and appropriately with peers and adults, following directions, observing personal space and utilizing various school equipment safely
- Activities of Daily Living – as it relates to self‐care activities such as hygiene, toileting, feeding, managing personal materials and devices
- Transitioning from school to post‐school activities
NYC DOE OT Practice Guide (2011)
School Social Worker Roles:
- Individual Counseling
- Small group counseling
- Provide Classroom lessons and workshops on different ranges of topics pertaining to social/emotional development (bullying, safety in peer interactions, etc.)
- Participate in IEP meetings
- Crisis intervention and de-escalation
- Collaborate and consult with administrators, parents, teachers, IEP team, and other key players to support and promote students’ social/emotional growth
- Connect parents with resources that promote social/emotional development
- Organize and coordinate monthly ASD NEST workshops for parents
- Attend school safety team meetings
Website Resources:
East Harlem Community Counseling Resources:
Books and other resources:
- Have You Filled a Bucket Today? By Carol McCloud
- The Color Monster By Ana Llenas
- Sitting Still Like a Frog by Eline Snel
- When Sophie Gets Angry- Really, Really, Angry by Molly Bang
- I’m Not Scared by Todd Park
- Yoga Pretzel (cards)