1-304 » Reading


Reading Workshop

In reading workshop we have been working on reading strategies such as looking at the whole word, fluency, blending, reading the first initial sound.

We are learning the six questions to ask for reading comprehension, Who, What, When, Where, How and Why. Help student's increase their comprehension skills by learning the six questions to keep in mind when you read and write.

We are also learning how to read our books based on our independent reading levels.

Shared Reading

In shared reading we have been working on reading articles and answering questions about key details in a text. We have been also identifying the main topic an retelling key details of a text.

We are learning how to become better readers by:

Participating in shared reading; we read songs, poems, and articles.

Reading in a small groups with teachers.

Practicing our reading skills on Lexia Core 5 and Reading A to Z.